Kaylyn Buckley, Marketing Manager at 305 Fitness, and an image from a 305 fitness live class
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How 305 Fitness manages mountains of video assets

August 31, 2021 · 6 min read

Air’s users do it all. Everyone from treasured non-profit organizations to industry-disrupting beverage brands uses Air to make the creative process more enjoyable and deliver impactful content.

Recently, we caught up with Kaylyn Buckley, Marketing Manager at 305 Fitness, another brand using Air to centralize Creative Operations. In their words, “305 is an addictively-fun dance cardio class that works you head to toe. Drop it low, tone it up, and shake it out in one of our nightclub-inspired studios!”

305 is one of the brands leading the at-home workout revolution and empowering people to have fun staying fit. They produce massive amounts of video content for their users — it all lives in Air. Read on for our conversation with Kaylyn and to find out what it takes to produce, organize, and get the most out of all those video assets.

Tell me briefly about your role at 305 Fitness.

I'm the Marketing Manager, so my job involves putting out information about different arms of the business, including our At Home workout app, studios, and instructor certification. I work across our digital channels — email, our website, paid ads, and beyond.

What are the content creation needs at 305?

We have a production studio located in our Union Square location, where we record workouts for our At Home apps that range in length from 10 minutes to 55 minutes. We also do weekly, live-streamed, 20-minute classes on YouTube. We do in-house photo shoots and video shoots producing content for TikTok, Instagram, and all of our social channels. So we're using a ton of video. Then we have our photo assets. Plus, our workout is dance cardio with a live DJ, so we provide our certified instructors with DJ mixes.

305 Fitness dance class still image
305 Fitness dance class still image

A still from one of 305's live classes.

It sounds like your content is more reliant on videos than photos — how does that break down?

It's probably around 60 to 70 percent video and then the rest is photo. We definitely rely on photos for a variety of marketing channels. Of course, people love video. It's the bread and butter of our app. We produce and use a massive amount of workout videos, all of which live in Air.

Can you break down the different categories of content at 305 and how you use them? For example, would you reuse snippets from the YouTube live streams for your socials?

We have workouts that are recorded specifically for our At Home app users. In general, that's the only place where you'll find those in their entirety. We do take little clips from those and repurpose them for Instagram Reels or TikTok. We also might take a small three or four minute section and put that on YouTube. Then we do our YouTube live videos, which we extract clips from in the same way. 

We also do a lot of our own in-house paid ad production. So we’ll record video content and edit it down to somewhere between 20 and 60 seconds to run on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok on the paid ad side. 

Image text: Dance Hard ... Express Yourself ... Inspire others ... & Make Money.
Image text: Dance Hard ... Express Yourself ... Inspire others ... & Make Money.

One of 305's advertisements.

For email, we love to make little GIFs. We'll sometimes take a video that we recorded for At Home, pull a small section of it for a GIF and then place that in an email. Basically,  we produce a vast amount of content and we try to use it in as many ways as possible. We have video screens in our lobby and then outside of our Union Square location, so we upload short video segments there, often 12-minute loops. Right now it's a loop of one of our instructors, Zach, teaching an At Home. So we try to use and reuse content all over the place.

What is the creative process like? Is it all in-house production? Are you bringing freelancers in? What kind of people are involved?

So Sadie Kurzban, our founder and CEO, is a brilliant creative and has a very impactful, strong vision for what 305’s creative assets could and should look like. Many of our ideas start with Sadie saying “this is the type of content I would like to see,” or “this is what I think will perform well.” Usually the concept will then get passed down to Matt DiGiovanna, our Production Manager. 

A still from one of 305 Fitness' streamed classes.
A still from one of 305 Fitness' streamed classes.

A still from one of 305's At Home classes.

He'll work with our staff creatives, or some instructors who we've worked with on campaigns before who are also brilliant art directors. We have some part-time staff who work in the production realm, who work on At Home. For some campaigns, we might bring in a specific photographer or videographer who has additional skills we’re looking for. We love to use our in-house talent, though, so it's always really exciting when we can. We also love our wide network of collaborators!

How else does Air fit into the pre- to post-production creative process?

We have a very robust content library. Oftentimes where a project will start is by pulling a board of previous content we really like. “We're doing a photo shoot, we really liked this other shoot. Can we kind of channel some of that?”

Our At Home segment has its own board full of video content. We organize marketing into its own board as well, so I can see some of our well-edited photos that have been through the production process and are ready for use. Then I like to segment it out by campaign. 

A screenshot of 305's Air isntance.
A screenshot of 305's Air isntance.

305's marketing board, in Air.

Recently, we had a great Pride shoot. So we have some of our inspiration from past years, and Matt took that and then worked with our Art Director to craft our different email blasts, YouTube clips, and so on. So we use Air to segment out the different channels for content distribution. 

Air makes sure that we don't leave behind great photos and videos that we haven't used yet just because we couldn't see that they were there.

There's just such a high volume of content. How did you deal with all of it before Air? Was it just Google Drive and Dropbox? 

We did use Dropbox and Google Drive — Dropbox is where most of our raw assets lived, and Google Drive was where a lot of our edited assets lived. Dropbox was where you would go diving to find just about anything, and Google Drive is where you would look for something you knew had already been edited.

I was brought on in January, before we used Air, and it was difficult to find assets at the start. Our Google Drive was scary.

Are assets still stored in any other places? Are you still using Google Drive for photo and video management?

Sometimes, but not particularly often. Most of our assets are within Air by now. Some things still live in the depths of Dropbox. Every once in a while you have to go fishing for items from the early days of 305. All of our newer stuff, within the past three years, lives in Air.

305's At Home Product board in Air.
305's At Home Product board in Air.

305's At Home Product board, in Air.

It’s a complete change from Google Drive’s folder and file hierarchy to something that's visual from the start. We needed a very visual product.

Do you have any tips for other people in marketing who have to deal with a lot of video assets?

Finding a visual way of organizing our videos has saved so much time. I spent hours just looking at tiny thumbnails in Google Drive, trying to remember which video held what content. It is so much nicer to just look and know, “OK, I know what that is. I know what that is. I know what that is.” My advice is to keep your content organized in a visual system and not a grid of file thumbnails where everything is called IMG_2357.jpg.

Thank you for your time!

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